Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling
R-134a Air Conditioning Refrigerant is a hydrofluorocar-
bon (HFC) that is endorsed by the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency and is an ozone-saving product. How-
ever, the manufacturer recommends that air conditioning
service be performed by dealers or other service facilities
using recovery and recycling equipment.
Use only manufacturer approved A/C System
Sealers, Stop Leak Products, Seal Conditioners, Compres-
sor Oil, or Refrigerants.
Power Steering — Fluid Check
Checking the power steering fluid level at a defined
service interval is not required. The fluid should only be
checked if a leak is suspected, abnormal noises are
apparent, and/or the system is not functioning as antici-
pated. Coordinate inspection efforts through a certified
DaimlerChrysler Dealership.
Before removing the reservoir cap, wipe the outside of
the cap and reservoir so that no dirt can fall into the
Fluid level should be checked on a level surface and
with the engine off to prevent injury from moving
parts and to insure accurate fluid level reading. Do
not overfill. Use only manufacturer recommended
power steering fluid, refer to Fluids, Lubricants and
Genuine Parts for correct fluid type.
Power Steering Fluid Reservoir