Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) is the maximum
permissible trailer weight to be towed:
5,000 lbs. (2,260 kgs)
Trailer Tongue Weight Rating (TWR) is the maximum
permissible weight of the trailer tongue: 500 lbs. (225 kgs)
limit for Sprinter approved hitch receiver.
NOTE: The GVWR and GAWR of your vehicle is
indicated on the Certification Label.
Trailer Tongue Load
The tongue load (tongue weight at the hitch ball) of any
trailer is an important weight tomeasure because it
affects the load you can carry in your vehicle. If a trailer
is towed, the tongue load must be added to the weight
of all occupants riding and any cargo you are carrying
in the vehicle to prevent exceeding your Sprinter tow
vehicle’s rear GAWR. The tongue load typically is
between 10 % and 15 % of the trailer weight and
everything loaded in it.
For example, if the trailer tongue load equals 140 lbs.
and the determined available cargo/luggage and
trailer tongue weight equals 750 lbs., the amount of
available cargo and luggage load capacity is 610 lbs.
(750 – 140 = 610 lbs.)
Loading a Trailer
When loading a trailer, you should observe that
neither the permissible GTW, nor the GVWR are
Maximum permissible values are listed on the safety
compliance certification labels for the vehicle and for
the trailer to be towed. The lowest value listed must be
selected when determining how the vehicle and trailer
are loaded.
Load the trailer in such a manner that it has a tongue
weight (TW) between 10% and 15% of the GTW.
The tongue weight at the hitch ball must be added to
the GVW to prevent exceeding your Sprinter tow
vehicle’s rear GAWR.