Section of this manual. More frequent rotation is permis-
sible if desired. The reasons for any rapid or unusual
wear should be corrected prior to rotation being per-
The suggested rotation method is the “forward-cross”
shown in the following diagram.
2.7L Engines
Your vehicle is designed to meet all emis-
sions regulations and provide satisfactory
fuel economy and performance when us-
ing high quality unleaded gasoline having
an octane of 87.
3.5L and 5.7L Engines
The 3.5L and 5.7L engines are designed to
meet all emissions regulations and provide
satisfactory fuel economy and perfor-
mance when using high-quality unleaded
gasoline with an octane rating of 87 to 89.
The manufacturer recommends the use of
89-octane for optimum performance. The routine use of
premium gasoline is not recommended. The use of
premium gasoline will provide no benefit over high-
quality regular gasoline or mid-grade gasoline and in
some circumstances may result in poorer performance.