Contract, Service ....................... 316
Coolant Pressure Cap .................... 273
Cooling System ........................ 271
Adding Coolant (Antifreeze) ............. 273
Coolant Capacity .....................295
Coolant Level ..................... 271,274
Disposal of Used Coolant ...............274
Drain, Flush, and Refill .................272
Inspection ........................... 274
Points to Remember ...................274
Pressure Cap ........................273
Radiator Cap ........................ 273
Selection of Coolant (Antifreeze) .... 272,295,296
Cruise Control (Speed Control) .............108
Cup Holder ........................ 122,283
Customer Assistance ....................314
Data Recorder, Event ..................... 48
Dealer Service .........................258
Defroster, Rear Window ..................178
Defroster, Windshield ............... 58,180,185
Delay (Intermittent) Wipers ...............101
Diagnostic System, Onboard ............... 256
Dimmer Switch, Headlight .................99
Antifreeze (Engine Coolant) .............274
Door Locks ............................15
Door Locks, Automatic ................... 17
Door Opener, Garage ....................112
Drive Belts ............................262
On Slippery Surfaces .................. 249
DVD Player (Video Entertainment System) ....168
Electric Remote Mirrors ...................67
Electrical Power Outlets ..................120
Electronic Brake Control System ............103
Electronic Speed Control ................. 108
Electronic Stability Program ...............104
Electronic Vehicle Information Center ........139
Emergency, In Case of
Freeing Vehicle When Stuck ............. 250
Hazard Warning Flasher ................242
Jump Starting ........................247
Overheating ......................... 242
Towing .............................251