NOTE: Do not touch the battery terminals that are on
the back housing or the printed circuit board.
1. With transmitter buttons facing down, use a flat blade
or dime to pry the two halves of the transmitter apart.
Make sure not to damage the rubber gasket during
2. Remove and replace the batteries. Be careful not to
disturb the metal terminal near the batteries. Install the
batteries with the positive terminal up, reference the note
Љ+ SIDE UPЉ on the inside of the bottom half of the
transmitter case. Avoid touching the new batteries with
your fingers. Skin oils may cause battery deterioration. If
you touch a battery, clean it with rubbing alcohol.
3. To reassemble the transmitter case snap the two halves
together. Make sure there is an even gap between the two
halves. Test transmitter operation.
This system monitors the vehicle doors and ignition for
unauthorized operation. When the alarm is activated, the
system provides both audible and visual signals. For the
first 3 minutes the horn will sound and the headlights
and security telltale will flash repeatedly. For an addi-
tional 15 minutes only the headlights and security telltale
will flash. The engine will run only if a valid Sentry Key
is used to start the vehicle. Use of the Sentry Key will
disable the alarm.
Rearming of the System:
The security system will rearm itself after the 15 addi-
tional minutes of headlights and security telltale flashing,
if the system has not been disabled. If the condition
which initiated the alarm is still present, the system will
ignore that condition and monitor the remaining doors
and ignition.