Cooling System Maintenance
At the intervals shown in the Maintenance Schedules
section of this manual, the system should be drained,
flushed and refilled. See your authorized dealer for
proper cooling system maintenance.
Cooling System — Drain, Flush And Refill
If the solution is dirty and contains a considerable
amount of sediment, it should be cleaned and flushed.
See your authorized dealer for proper draining, flushing
and refilling of your vehicle’s cooling system.
Disposal of Used Engine Coolant
Used ethylene glycol based engine coolant is a regulated
substance requiring proper disposal. Check with your
local authorities to determine the disposal rules for your
community. Do not store ethylene glycol based engine
coolant in open containers or allow it to remain in
puddles on the ground. Prevent ingestion by animals and
children. If ingested, contact a physician or poison con-
trol specialist in your area. Clean up any ground spills
Recommended Engine Coolant
This vehicle has been factory filled with an Ethylene
Glycol based engine coolant with long life corrosion
inhibitors (called HOAT, for Hybrid Organic Additive
Technology). Follow the “Maintenance Schedule” for the
recommended coolant change intervals. Refer to Recom-
mended Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts for correct
fluid type.