Rinse the liner thoroughly under warm running water.
Shake the excess water from the liner and dry the
outer surfaces with a clean soft cloth.
Carefully tuck the front, followed by the rear, then side
edges of the cup holder into the center console.
Power Distribution Centers
Front Power Distribution Center
A power distribution center is located in the engine
compartment. This center contains fuses and relays.
When installing the Power Distribution Center
cover, it is important to ensure the cover is prop-
erly positioned and fully latched. Failure to do so
may allow water to get into the Power Distribu-
tion Center, and possibly result in a electrical
system failure.
When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to
use only a fuse having the correct amperage
rating. The use of a fuse with a rating other than
indicated may result in a dangerous electrical
system overload. If a properly rated fuse contin-
ues to blow, it indicates a problem in the circuit
that must be corrected.