Block both the front and rear
of the wheel diagonally oppo-
site the jacking position. For
example, if the right front
wheel is being changed, block
the left rear wheel.
Passengers should not remain in the vehicle when the
vehicle is being jacked.
1. Remove the spare wheel, jack, and tools from storage.
2. Using the wheel wrench, loosen, but do not remove,
the wheel nuts by turning them counterclockwise one
turn while the wheel is still on the ground.
3. When changing a front wheel, place the jack under the
frame rail behind the wheel. Locate the jack as far
forward as possible on the straight part of the frame
(prior to inboard transition. Operate the jack using the
jack drive tube and the wheel wrench - the tube exten-
sion, may be used but is not required.
When changing a rear wheel, assemble the jack drive
tube to the jack and connect the drive tube to the
extension tube. Place the jack under the axle as close to
Front Jacking Location