Disposal of Used Engine Coolant
Used ethylene glycol based engine coolant is a regulated
substance requiring proper disposal. Check with your
local authorities to determine the disposal rules for your
community. To prevent ingestion by animals or children
do not store ethylene glycol based engine coolant in open
containers or allow it to remain in puddles on the
ground. If ingested by a child, contact a physician
immediately. Clean up any ground spills immediately.
Coolant Level
The coolant recovery bottle provides a quick visual
method for determining that the coolant level is ad-
equate. With the engine cold, the level of the coolant in
the coolant recovery bottle should be between the
“MAX” and “MIN” marks. The radiator normally re-
mains completely full, so there is no need to remove the
radiator cap except for checking coolant freeze point or
replacement with new antifreeze coolant. Your service
attendant should be advised of this. So long as the engine
operating temperature is satisfactory, the coolant recov-
ery bottle need only be checked once a month.
When additional coolant is needed to maintain the
proper level, it should be added to the coolant recovery
bottle. Do not overfill.
Points to Remember
NOTE: When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles of
operation, you may observe vapor coming from the front
of the engine compartment. This is normally a result of
moisture from rain, snow, or high humidity accumulat-
ing on the radiator and being vaporized when the
thermostat opens, allowing hot water to enter the radia-
If an examination of your engine compartment shows no
evidence of radiator or hose leaks, the vehicle may be
safely driven. The vapor will soon dissipate.
Do not overfill the coolant recovery bottle.