vehicle. The MMT content of gasoline may not be indi-
cated on the gasoline pump, therefore you should ask
your gasoline retailer whether or not his/her gasoline
contains MMT.
It is even more important to look for gasolines without
MMT in Canada because MMT can be used at higher
levels than allowed in the United States.
MMT is prohibited in both Federal and California refor-
mulated gasolines.
Sulfur in Gasoline
Your vehicle may have been designed to meet California
low emission standards with cleaner burning California
reformulated gasoline with low sulfur. This vehicle may
be sold nationwide. Your vehicle will operate satisfacto-
rily on fuels meeting Federal specifications, but emission
control system performance may be adversely affected.
Gasoline sold outside of California is permitted to have
higher sulfur levels which may affect the performance of
the vehicle’s catalytic converter. This may cause the
Check Engine or Service Engine Soon light to illuminate.
The manufacturer recommends that you try a different
brand of unleaded gasoline having lower sulfur to deter-
mine if the problem is fuel related prior to returning your
vehicle to an authorized dealer for service.
If the Check Engine or Service Engine Soon light is
flashing, immediate service is required. See the On
Board Diagnostics paragraph in the Maintenance
section of this manual.
Materials Added to Fuel
All gasoline sold in the United States is required to
contain effective detergent additives. Use of additional
detergents or other additives is not needed under normal
conditions and would result in unnecessary cost. There-
fore you should not have to add anything to the fuel.