This is why you should always talk to your dealer’s
service manager first. Most matters can be resolved with
this process.
If for some reason you are still not satisfied, talk to the
general manager or owner of the dealership. They
want to know if you need assistance.
If your dealership is unable to resolve the concern, you
may contact the Manufacturer’s Customer Center.
Any communication to the Manufacturer’s Customer
Center should include the following information:
Owner’s name and address
Owner’s telephone number (home and office)
Dealership name
Vehicle identification number
Vehicle delivery date and mileage
DaimlerChrysler Motors Corporation Customer
P.O. Box 21–8004
Auburn Hills, MI 48321–8004
Phone: (800) 992-1997
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. Customer Center
P.O. Box 1621
Windsor, Ontario N9A 4H6
Phone —(800) 465–2001
In Mexico contact:
Av. Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma, 1240
Sante Fe C.P. 05109
Mexico, D. F.
In Mexico (915) 729–1248 or 729–1240
Outside Mexico (525) 729–1248 or 729–1240
Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speech
Impaired (TDD/TTY)
To assist customers who have hearing difficulties, the
manufacturer has installed special TDD (Telecommuni-
cation Devices for the Deaf) equipment at its Customer
Center. Any hearing or speech impaired customer who
has access to a TDD or a conventional teletypewriter
(TTY) in the United States can communicate with the
manufacturer by dialing 1–800–380–CHRY.