When the indicators appear in two or more adjacent
grooves, tire replacement is recommended.
: The mark and the location of the tire wear
indicator are different depending on tire manufacturers.
Tire rotation
To equalize wear and help extend tire life, the manufacturer
recommends that you rotate your tires approximately every
7, 500 miles (12, 000 km) under normal driving conditions
and every 6,000 miles (9,600km) in severe driving conditions.
However, the timing for tire rotation may vary according to
your vehicle condition, road surface conditions and each
individual driver’s driving habits. Any time you notice
unusual wear, rotate your tires as soon as possible.
When rotating tires, check for uneven wear, damage and
wheel alignment. Abnormal wear is usually caused by incor-
rect tire pressure, improper wheel alignment, out-of-balance
wheel or severe braking. Consult an authorized dealer to
determine the cause of irregular tread wear.
Type 1
Type 2