Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 109
March 2012
Section 9 - Clustering Multiple APs
Viewing Current Channel Assignments and Setting Locks
The Current Channel Assignments section shows a list of all access points in the cluster by IP Address. The display
shows the band on which each AP is broadcasting (a/b/g/n), the current channel used by each AP, and an option to
lock an AP on its current radio channel so that it cannot be re-assigned to another.
The following table provides details about Current Channel Assignments.
Field Description
IP Address Species the IP Address for the access point.
Radio Identies the MAC address of the radio.
Band Indicates the band on which the access point is broadcasting.
Current Indicates the radio Channel on which this access point is currently broadcasting.
Status Shows whether the radio is up (on) or down (off).
Locked Click Locked to force the access point to remain on the current channel.
When Locked is selected (enabled) for an access point, automated channel management
plans will not re-assign the AP to a different channel as a part of the optimization strategy.
Instead, APs with locked channels will be factored in as requirements for the plan.
If you click Apply, you will see that locked APs show the same channel for the Current
Channel and Proposed Channel elds. Locked APs will keep their current channels.
Table 61 - Channel Assignments
Viewing the Last Proposed Set of Changes
The Proposed Channel Assignments shows the last channel plan. The plan lists all access points in the cluster by IP
Address, and shows the current and proposed channels for each AP. Locked channels will not be re-assigned and the
optimization of channel distribution among APs will take into account the fact that locked APs must remain on their
current channels. APs that are not locked may be assigned to different channels than they were previously using,
depending on the results of the plan.
Field Description
IP Address Species the IP Address for the access point.
Radio Indicates the radio channel on which this access point is currently broadcasting.
Proposed Channel Indicates the radio channel to which this access point would be re-assigned if the Channel
Plan is executed.
Table 62 - Last Proposed Changes
Conguring Advanced Settings
The advanced settings allow you to customize and schedule the channel plan for the cluster. If you use Channel
Management as provided (without updating Advanced Settings), channels are automatically ne-tuned once every
hour if interference can be reduced by 25 percent or more. Channels will be re-assigned even if the network is busy.
The appropriate channel sets will be used (b/g for APs using IEEE 802.11b/g and a for APs using IEEE 802.11a).
The default settings are designed to satisfy most scenarios where you would need to implement channel
Use Advanced Settings to modify the interference reduction potential that triggers channel re-assignment, change
the schedule for automatic updates, and re-congure the channel set used for assignments. If there are no elds
showing in the Advanced section, click the toggle button to display the settings that modify timing and details of the
channel planning algorithm.