
460 SeriesfOwner’s Manual
Console Layout and Controls (continued)
Dot Matrix /Profile display
1. During the program setup this display will light up the “Age” or “Weight” message when
these values are requested. The value that is being entered will be displayed in the dot
2. The “Warm Up” and “Cool Down” messages will light up to indicate these modes.
3. The dot matrix will display “EN” for English units or “ME”for metric units when the units are
4. The dot matrix displays the exercise profile during the program.
Each horizontal row represents 2 resistance Levels. So, the bottom row represents
Levels 1 and 2, while the top row represents Levels 15 and 16.
For the Target Heart Rate program, horizontal rows represent % Max. heart rate rather
than resistance level.
Each vertical column represents a time interval determined by the length of the program
Workout data display
As soon as a program begins, these displays will show the default workout data: time, calories,
level and pulse. You may change the data being displayed by pressing the “SELECT” key to the
ight of the displays. The LED indicators will light up to show which row of data is current being
The data that can be displayed are:
Time (hr:min or min:sec): The time remaining in the current program. When the
“Warm Up” or “Cool Down” message is displayed, this time refers to the time left in
that section of the program.
Calories (kcal): Total workout calories
Level (Level 1 through 16): Current resistance level.
Pulse (BPM): This measures your heart rate in Beats Per Minute.
Speed (mi/hr or km/h): Current traveling speed as if moving.
Distance (mile or km): Total distance traveled as if moving.
RPM: Revolutions per Minute of your feet.
Watts: Current workout watts.
Program Select Key
This key scrolls through the different workout programs of the 460. Each time the key is
pressed, the console advances to the next program selection.
Function Keys
Level Up/Down keys:
Used for data entry during program setup and resistance/heart rate level adjustment while a
program is running.
Enter key:
Used to confir
m data entr
Start key:
ts the selected pr
Reset key:
Causes the current program to enter cool-down mode immediately. If this key is pressed and
held for two seconds, the current program will reset.
Dot Matrix/Profile
Workout data
Program Select
Function keys