The default location for 32-bit Windows operating system is C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Repository
Manager v<version number of Repository Manager>.
For example: C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Repository Manager v2.0.0
For 64-bit Windows operating system, the default location is C:\Program Files(x86)\Dell\Dell
Repository Manager v<version number of Repository Manager>. For example: C:\Program
Files(x86)\Dell\Dell Repository Manager v2.0.0.
7. Click Install to begin the installation.
NOTE: During an upgrade, ensure that the existing version of Repository Manager is closed.
NOTE: During an upgrade, the existing repositories and settings are retained.
8. After Repository Manager is installed successfully, click Finish.
The installation creates two shortcuts on your desktop and a folder in the Start menu to launch
Repository Manager in Data Center Version or Business Client Versions. The folder comprises the
following shortcuts:
• Dell Repository Manager Updater
• Dell Repository Manager Business Client Version Online Help
• Dell Repository Manager for Business Client Version systems
• Dell Repository Manager for Data Center Version
• Dell Repository Manager Data Center Version Online Help
Where, x.x indicates the version number of Repository Manager.
The version number of the application installed appears as part of the short cuts, the folder name and
folder options in the format:
<(name of the application)>v<version number of Repository Manager>
Once the installation is complete, you can access the Release Notes from the location where Repository
Manager is installed. The Release Notes contains a brief of the new features and known issues.
Running Repository Manager
You can run Repository Manager from the desktop, from the Start menu or, from the folder location
where you have installed it:
To run Repository Manager from the folder location on the system:
1. Start → All Programs → Dell Repository Manager v<x.x> and double-click the desired option.
2. Select one of the following modes:
• Data Center Version
• Business Client Versions
NOTE: By default, the mode in which you launched Repository Manager during the
previous run time, is selected.
3. Click OK.