Route Source Active Routes Non-active Routes
connected 5 0
static 0 0
Total 5 0
The following example shows the show ipv6 route command.
Dell#show ipv6 route
Codes: C - connected, L - local, S - static, R - RIP,
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP,LO - Locally Originated,
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1,
L2 - IS-IS level-2, IA - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default,
Gateway of last resort is not set
Destination Dist/Metric, Gateway, Last Change
C 600::/64 [0/0]
Direct, Te 1/24/1, 00:34:42
C 601::/64 [0/0]
Direct, Te 1/24/1, 00:34:18
C 912::/64 [0/0]
Direct, Lo 2, 00:02:33
O IA 999::1/128 [110/2]
via fe80::201:e8ff:fe8b:3166, Te 1/24/1, 00:01:30
L fe80::/10 [0/0]
Direct, Nu 0, 00:34:42
The following example shows the show ipv6 route static command.
Dell#show ipv6 route static
Destination Dist/Metric, Gateway, Last Change
S 8888:9999:5555:6666:1111:2222::/96 [1/0]
via 2222:2222:3333:3333::1, Te 9/1/1, 00:03:16
S 9999:9999:9999:9999::/64 [1/0]
via 8888:9999:5555:6666:1111:2222:3333:4444, 00:03:16
Showing the Running-Configuration for an Interface
To view the configuration for any interface, use the following command.
• Show the currently running configuration for the specified interface.
EXEC mode
show running-config interface type {slot/port/subport}
Enter the keyword interface then the type of interface and slot/port information:
– For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then the slot/port/
subport information.
– For a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword fortyGigE then the slot/port information.
– For the Management interface on the stack-unit, enter the keyword ManagementEthernet then
the slot/port information.
The slot range is from 1 to 6. The port range is 1.
Example of the show running-config interface Command
Dell#show run int Te 2/2/1
IPv6 Routing