PowerEdge R515 Technical Guide
Embedded Bootable Memory Device
Type: [e.g., Flash PROM, EEPROM]:
Can user programs or operating system write
data to it during normal operation?
Purpose? [e.g., boot code]
Optional embedded boot device
How is data input to this memory?
Factory installed or via USB bus
How is this memory write protected?
Server BMC (Baseboard Management
Controller) Firmware Flash Memory
Type: [e.g., Flash PROM, EEPROM]:
Can user programs or operating system write
data to it during normal operation?
Purpose? [e.g., boot code]
How is data input to this memory?
Loading flash memory requires a vendor
provided firmware file and loader program
which is executed by booting up the system
from a floppy or OS based executable
containing the firmware file and the loader.
System loaded with arbitrary data in firmware
memory would not operate.
How is this memory write protected?
To obtain optional component information, please refer to the Dell Statement of Volatility for the individual
components. Please direct any questions to your Dell Marketing contact.