Dell PowerConnect™ Firmware CLI Transition Guide
April 6, 2011 Page 5
Updated Commands – Operational Modifications
Feature Previous Implementation Dell™ PowerConnect 4.x
ARP arp timeout seconds arp timeout seconds In the revised implementation,
the command is supported in
both Global Configuration Mode
and Interface Configuration
Mode, while previous
implementation supported only
Global Configuration Mode. This
capability gives administrators
the ability to adjust the ARP
timings to better operate on
subnets with different
performance requirements.
ARP arp dynamicrenew arp dynamicrenew Changed default state from
enabled to disabled.
ARP show arp show arp Changed the behavior so that all
entries are displayed when the
command is used without any
Made the command available in
User EXEC mode.
Audit show logging show logging This command is used to display
all logging information, including
auditing status.
Banner show running-config show running-config This command output has been
enhanced to show banner
Denial of
dos-control icmp [size] dos-control icmp [size] Maximum ICMP packet size.
(Range 0-16376). If size is
unspecified, the value is 512.
flowcontrol flowcontrol Changed the default
configuration from disabled to
IP Routing show ip route show ip route The command displays the
default gateway associated with
the route.
IPv6 Routing show ipv6 route show ipv6 route The command displays the
default gateway associated with
the route.