Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Commands 1287
vlan2 5 Enable Initialize
The following example displays all statistical information about the VLAN 15
virtual router.
console#show vrrp interface vlan 15 stats
Vlan 15 – Group 5
UpTime........................... 0 days 0 hrs 0 mins 0 secs
Protocol....................................... IP
State Transitioned to Master................... 0
Advertisement Received......................... 0
Advertisement Interval Errors.................. 0
Authentication Failure......................... 0
IP TTL Errors.................................. 0
Zero Priority Packets Received................. 0
Zero Priority Packets Sent..................... 0
Invalid Type Packets Received.................. 0
Address List Errors ........................... 0
Invalid Authentication Type.................... 0
Authentication Type Mismatch................... 0
Packet Length Errors........................... 0
show vrrp interface brief
Use the show vrrp interface brief command in Privileged EXEC mode to
display information about each virtual router configured on the switch. It
displays information about each virtual router.
show vrrp interface brief
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
2CSPC4.XCT-SWUM2XX1.book Page 1287 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM