230 Guía de introducción
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Please enter the IP address of the Management System (A.B.C.D)
or wildcard ( to manage from any Management Station
Paso 2:
Now we need to configure your initial privilege (Level 15) user
account. This account is used to login to the CLI and Web
interface. You may set up other accounts and change privilege
levels later. For more information on setting up user accounts
and changing privilege levels, see the User’s Guide.
To set up a user account:
Please enter the user name {admin}: admin<Intro>
Please enter the user password: ********<Intro>
Please reenter the user password: ********<Intro>
NOTA: si la primera entrada de contraseña y la segunda no coinciden, se solicitará al usuario
que vuelva a especificarlas hasta que coincidan.
NOTA: cuando finalice Easy Setup Wizard (Asistente para configuración fácil) podrá crear cuentas
de usuario adicionales. Para obtener más información, consulte la Guía del usuario.
Paso 3:
Next, an IP address is set up. The IP address is defined on the
default VLAN (VLAN #1), of which all ports are members. This is
the IP address you use to access the CLI, Web interface, or SNMP
interface for the switch.
To set up an IP address:
Please enter the IP address of the device (A.B.C.D):<Intro>
Please enter the IP subnet mask (A.B.C.D or /nn):<Intro>
Paso 4:
Finally, set up the gateway. Please enter the IP address of the
gateway from which this network is reachable (e.g.<Intro>