Hardware Description 67
System LEDs
The system LEDs, located on the right side of the front panel, provide information about the power
supplies, fans, thermal conditions, and diagnostics. Figure 4-17 illustrates the System LEDs.
Figure 4-17. System LEDs
Table 4-6 contains the System LED definitions.
Green Blinking The port is operating at transitional
mode. The PoE powered device is
being detected, or is faulty.
Amber Solid An overload or short has occurred on
the powered device.
Amber Blinking The powered device power
conception exceeds the predefined
power allotment.
Off No powered device is detected.
Table 4-6. System LED Definitions
LED Color Definition
DIAG Flashing Green A diagnostics test is in progress.
Green The diagnostics test was successfully completed.
Red The diagnostics test failed.
RPS Green Redundant Power Supply (RPS) is present and operating
Red Redundant Power Supply is present, but has failed.
Table 4-5. 10/100/1000 Base-T Port Definitions (6224P and 6248P)
LED Color Definition