638 Configuring IPv6
DHCPv6 Renew Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Renews.
DHCPv6 Rebind Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Rebinds.
DHCPv6 Release Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Releases.
DHCPv6 Decline Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Declines.
DHCPv6 Inform Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Informs.
DHCPv6 Relay-forward Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Relay forwards.
DHCPv6 Relay-reply Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Relay Replies.
DHCPv6 Malformed Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Malformed Packets.
Received DHCPv6 Packets Discarded
— Specifies the number of Packets Discarded.
Total DHCPv6 Packets Received
— Specifies the total number of Packets Received.
Messages Sent
This section specifies the aggregate of all interface level statistics for messages sent:
DHCPv6 Advertisement Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Advertisements.
DHCPv6 Reply Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Replies.
DHCPv6 Reconfig Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Reconfigurations.
DHCPv6 Relay-forward Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Relay forwards.
DHCPv6 Relay-reply Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Relay Replies.
Total DHCPv6 Packets Sent
— Specifies the total number of Packets Transmitted.
— Resets the interface packet counters.
Displaying DHCPv6 Statistics
Open the
DHCPv6 Statistics
Select the interface to be displayed from the Interface drop-down menu.
DHCPv6 statistics display for the selected interface.
Displaying DHCPv6 Statistics Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
• DHCPv6 Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.