Configuring SNMP 345
Configuring SNMP (CLI)
This section provides information about the commands you use to manage
and view SNMP features on the switch. For more information about these
commands, see the
Dell Networking N2000, N3000, and N4000 Series
Switches CLI Reference Guide
at support.dell.com/manuals.
Configuring the SNMPv3 Engine ID
To use SNMPv3, the switch must have engine ID. You can specify your own
ID or use the default string that is generated using the MAC address of the
switch. If the SNMPv3 engine ID is deleted, or if the configuration file is
erased, then SNMPv3 cannot be used. Since the EngineID should be unique
within an administrative domain, Dell recommends that you
use the default
keyword to configure the Engine ID.
the following guidelines are recommended:
• For standalone switches use the default keyword to configure the Engine
• For a stack of switches, configure your own EngineID, and verify that is
unique within your administrative domain.
Changing the value of SNMP EngineID has important side-effects. A user's
password (entered on the command line) is converted to an MD5 or SHA
security digest. This digest is based on both the password and the local engine
ID. The command line password is then destroyed, as required by RFC 2274.
Because of this deletion, if the local value of engineID changes, the security
digests of SNMPv3 users will be invalid, and the users will have to be
Beginning in Privileged EXEC mode, use the following commands to
configure an engine ID for SNMP.
Command Purpose
configure Enter Global Configuration mode