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these are shown as Linux hosts even though they are configured as ESX servers.
Selecting Next provides a Confirmation screen in which the new server being configured is shown
and the other previously configured associated hosts are named. For the first server configured
in a new host group there will be no associated hosts listed under the Associated host group.
Figure 3: Modular Disk Storage Manager Configure Tab
Select Finish confirming the new host definition. This initiates the wizard configuration of the new
On completion,
Select Yes to proceed to the next host you wish to configure, or
Select No to end the configuration wizard.
Helpful Hint: Record the MD3000i IP address for later configuration
5. iSCSI Software Initiator Configuration on ESX Server
This section lists the steps required to configure the software initiator on the VMware ESX Server.
Connect to the ESX server/VirtualCenter using VI Client, and follow the below steps:
1. Select Configuration->Security Profile on the ESX server.