Table 7. Settings (continued)
Description Default SettingAvailable Settings
Qualify Bypass [Always] [Never] [Bypass Disabled]
If Always, Bypass operation is allowed when:
S Bypass voltages > the value set for Bypass
Voltage Low Limit
S Bypass voltages < the value set for Bypass
Voltage High Limit
S Bypass frequency > (nominal frequency -3 Hz)
S Bypass frequency < (nominal frequency +3 Hz)
S Inverter is synchronized with Bypass when
unsynchronized transfers are disabled by the
value set for Unsynchronized Transfers
If Never, Bypass operation is always allowed; voltage
and frequency limits are not in use.
If Bypass Disabled, Bypass operation is prohibited.
Synchronization Window [Sync Disabled] [±0.5 Hz] [±1.0 Hz] [±1.5 Hz]
[±2.0 Hz] [±2.5 Hz] [±3.0 Hz]
If ±3.0 Hz, on inverter operation the inverter tries to
synchronize with the Bypass when the Bypass
frequency is not more than 3 Hz from the nominal
output frequency; otherwise, the inverter goes to
nominal frequency. On Bypass mode, the sync
window is always ±3 Hz.
NOTE: In Sync Disabled state, if the Bypass
operation is allowed, the UPS synchronizes only
when it is operating on Bypass mode.
±3.0 Hz
Unsynchronized Transfers [Enabled] [Disabled]
If Enabled, unsynchronized transfers to the Bypass
are allowed.
If Disabled, unsynchronized transfers to the Bypass
are not allowed.
NOTE: The Qualify Bypass setting may overrule the
Unsynchronized Transfers setting.
External Battery Module (EBM) [0] [1]
See “Configuring the UPS for an EBM” on page 52.