System Boot | 56
To configure the chassis from the BOOT_USER prompt:
1 help
• The BOOT_USER # prompt appears after an autoboot interruption. This is the
default boot prompt, not the CLI prompt.
• Enter help or ? to display a list of available commands and syntax.
• Enter syntax help to display syntax information and variable descriptions.
• Some display output you are given the option to continue the help screen display
<cr> or to stop q<cr>.
• You can abbreviate the boot commands by entering only the first letter of a
command word. A matching algorithm displays the commands starting with the
letter or letters you entered. For example, b displays the commands starting with
the letter b, boot change and boot selector.
Entering s h displays the syntax
help information.
• All commands are case insensitive.
2 Execute the following show commands to display important boot information:
show boot selector
The show boot selector command displays the boot ROM image currently selected and the most recently booted
ROM image.
3 show bootflash
This command displays information about the current boot ROM.
BOOT_USER # show boot selector
BOOT_USER # show bootflash
Bootflash Partition A:
Force10 Networks System Boot
Copyright 1999-2001 Force10 Networks, Inc.
ROM Header Version 1.0
Official CP_IMG_BOOT, BSP Release
Created Fri Sep 2 18:22:47 US/Pacific 2004
Bootflash Partition B: