Give the Peregrine appliance its network information | 59
Setup Guide
To complete the installation
1 Type 1 and press Enter.
The screen shows the Appliance Management menu:
1) Settings
2) Actions
3) Appliance hardware information
4) Exit and log off
2 If the Peregrine appliance is in its permanent location, type 4 to exit and log
3 If you have not yet installed the Peregrine appliance in its permanent
location, do the following:
a shut the Peregrine appliance down (see To shut down the Peregrine
appliance—through the configuration interface below)
Warning: It is extremely important to shut down the Peregrine appliance
properly. If the correct procedure is not followed, you risk corrupting
the data on the Peregrine appliance. Make sure that every person who
may come into contact with the Peregrine appliance understands
how to shut it down properly.
b disconnect the AC power
c remove the keyboard, monitor and C2T breakout cable
d and install the Peregrine appliance in its final location, following the
instructions from About installing the hardware on page 46.
To shut down the Peregrine appliance—through the configuration interface
Warning: Do not shut down the Peregrine appliance during the procedure to
give the Peregrine appliance its network information, unless you
need to abandon the procedure.
The Appliance Management menu shows:
1) Settings