Using the System Setup Program 119
Save Changes Select this item and press <Enter> to save changes
you have made without leaving the setup utility.
Discard Changes Select this item and press <Enter> to discard any
changes you have made without leaving the setup
Load Optimal Defaults If you highlight this item and press <Enter>, a dialog
box asks if you want to install optimal settings for all
the items in the Setup utility. Press the <Y> key to
indicate Yes, and then press <Enter> to install the
optimal settings.
The optimal settings default values are quite
demanding and your system might not function
properly if you are using slower memory chips or other
kinds of low-performance components.
Load Customized Defaults Load 2nd default values from NVRAM for all the setup
Save Customized Defaults Save all the setup parameters to NVRAM as 2nd
default values.
Option Description