26 | About Your System
Error Code Error Message Response
0081 Primary Salve Drive – ATAPI Incompatible Pause
0082 Secondary Master Drive – ATAPI Incompatible Pause
0083 Secondary Salve Drive – ATAPI Incompatible Pause
0160 The processors installed in your system are not
able to match their frequencies.
0162 The processors installed in your system do not
have the same cache size.
0163 The processor(s) installed in your system are not
known by the BIOS.
Please contact your BIOS vendor for appropriate
0164 Multiple core processors cannot be installed with
single core processors.
0165 The processor(s) installed in your system are of an
unknown revision.
Please contact your BIOS vendor for appropriate
4100 Node(s) - no valid DIMM configuration detected Pause
4101 DIMM(s) checksum error detected Pause
4102 DIMM module type(buffer) mismatch Pause
4103 DIMM CL/T mismatch Pause
4104 DIMM organization mismatch (128-bit) Pause
4105 SPD missing Trc or Trfc info Pause
4106 SPD missing byte 23 or 25 Pause
4107 Bank interleave requested but not enabled Warning