26 Using the printer
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10 Click Yes until all pages you want to fax are scanned.
11 Click No.
12 Follow the instructions on your computer screen to send your fax.
Receiving faxes with Fax Console
1 Click the Start button.
2 Move your mouse pointer over All Programs, then Accessories, then
Communications, then Fax.
3 Click Fax Console.
You are now ready to receive a fax if you selected the Enable Receive check box when
configuring Fax Console.
Viewing faxes with Fax Console
1 Click the Start button.
2 Move your mouse pointer over All Programs, then Accessories, then
Communications, then Fax.
3 Click Fax Console.
Received faxes can be viewed in the Inbox. Sent faxes can be viewed in Sent Items.
Fax troubleshooting
If you are having trouble sending or receiving a fax, ensure that:
• Your computer is equipped with a working data/fax modem.
• An active phone line is connected to the line-in connector of your data/fax modem.
• Faxing software is installed and configured.
• Your printer is connected to the computer with a USB cable.