
Description Line Item Explanation
Processor sensor status: Configuration error
Redundancy unit:
<Redundancy location
in chassis>
Specifies the location of the redundant power supply or cooling unit in
the chassis, for example:
Redundancy unit: Fan Enclosure
SD card device type:
<Type of SD card
Specifies the type of SD card device, for example:
SD card device type: Hypervisor
SD card state: <State
of SD card>
Specifies the state of the SD card, for example:
SD card state: Present, Failed
Sensor location:
<Location in chassis>
Specifies the location of the sensor in the specified chassis, for example:
Sensor location: CPU1
Temperature sensor
value (in degrees
Celsius): <Reading>
Specifies the temperature in degrees Celsius, for example:
Temperature sensor value (in degrees Celsius): 30
Voltage sensor value
(in Volts): <Reading>
Specifies the voltage sensor value in volts, for example:
Voltage sensor value: 1.693
Understanding Trap Severity
Traps often contain information about values recorded by probes or sensors. Probes and sensors monitor
critical components for values such as amperage, voltage, and temperature. When an event occurs on
your system, the Server Administrator sends information about one of the following event types to the
system management console:
Information/Informational—An event that describes the successful operation of a unit, such as a
power supply turning on or a sensor reading returning to normal.
Warning — An event that is not necessarily significant, but may indicate a possible future problem,
such as crossing a warning threshold.
Critical/Error — A significant event that indicates actual or imminent loss of data or loss of function,
such as crossing a failure threshold or a hardware failure.
BMC Traps
The BMC monitors the system for critical events by communicating with various sensors on the system
board and by sending alerts and log events when certain parameters exceed their preset thresholds. All of
the traps documented in this section belong to the MIB enterprise identified by OID
TrapID Description Severity
262402 Generic Critical Fan Failure Critical
262530 Generic Critical Fan Failure