Removing and Replacing Parts 4-1
This chapter provides procedures for removing the components, assemblies,
and subassemblies in the computer. Unless otherwise noted, each procedure
assumes the following:
You have performed the steps in “Precautionary Measures” found later in
this chapter.
You have opened the top panel doors, opened the front bezel door, and/or
removed the front bezel as necessary.
You can replace or reinstall a part by performing the removal procedure in
reverse order unless additional information is provided.
The PowerEdge 6350 system has been designed for greater manual service-
ability; most of the procedures in this chapter do not require the use of tools.
Exceptions are as follows:
Removing/replacing the processor guide bracket assemblies requires a
T25 Torx driver.
Removing the PSPB requires a #1 Phillips-head screwdriver.
Removing/replacing the SCSI backplane, auxiliary SCSI backplane, or
diskette drive requires a #2 Phillips-head screwdriver or a
-inch nut driver.
Also, use a wrist grounding strap as explained in the next section,
“Precautionary Measures.”