PowerConnect 5500 Series Release Notes
System Firmware Version Subject to Change Without Notice Page 6
PC55xx - Incorrect
documentation in
relation to RDP and ACL
In User Guide for PC55xx there is a list of protocols that
can be used during ACL configuration.
On that list RDP is described as:
RDP — Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Enables a
clients to communicate with the Terminal Server over
the network
If you are in switch CLI and under IP ACL configuration
this is what is listed for RDP:
RDP - Reliable Data Protocol
Therefore, in UG: should change from Remote Desktop
To : Reliable Data Protocol (27)
User Guide
Mistake in PC55xx User
Guide regarding enable
HTTPS command
User Guide provides command "ip https server" as
example for HTTPS enabling. Command should be "ip
http secure-sever".
See page 75 of UG
User Guide
55xx HDMI
Dell request to update recommended HDMI cable
version to 1.4 (it is currently 1.3a)
This is due to Dell getting a lot of reports from the field
when using cable 1.3A - and problems were resolved
User Guide
55XX ip source-guard ,
command is not present
IP source guard (interface level) command appears in
PC55xx CLI guide - although it is not supported on
device - need to remove command from CLI Guide
CLI Guide
End of Release Notes