1-2 Dell PowerVault 530F SAN Appliance User’s Guide
One onboard network interface card (NIC) adapter for local area network (LAN)
system management and intercommunication between two PowerVault 530F
Two Fibre Channel adapters with high speed serial data connectors (HSSDC) —
these adapters can be configured as redundant failover adapters for the
PowerVault 650F with dual storage processors; the configuration becomes scal-
able when supported PowerVault Fibre Channel switches are added between the
PowerVault 530F and the storage subsystem(s)
Two Fibre Channel adapters with dual ports and SC connectors — these adapters
are used to make connectios to host servers and can be configured as redundant
failover adapters for the hosts. The configuration becomes scalable when
supported PowerVault Fibre Channel switches are added between the Power-
Vault 530F and the hosts
NOTES: The PowerVault 530F is a “headless” system that is managed through the
onboard Ethernet connection. It operates without a keyboard, monitor or mouse.
While it is possible to connect these peripherals to the PowerVault 530F system, it is
generally not necessary unless troubleshooting the system.
The PowerVault 530F has a fixed hardware configuration. Any attempt to change this
configuration (by adding expansion cards, memory, etc.) causes the PowerVault 530F
to function improperly. Hardware problems should be addressed by a certified Dell
service provider.
See Table 1-1 for slot locations and descriptions.
NIC connector
AC power
Slot numbers