Parameter Description
• NEWEST - Use this option when you want to
show the latest snapshot image created in the
consistency group.
• OLDEST - Use this option when you want to
show the earliest snapshot image created in the
consistency group.
Enclose the snapshot image name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets ([ ]).
You can enter more than one snapshot name or
sequence number. Enclose all of the snapshot
names in one set of double quotation marks (" ")
inside square brackets ([ ]). Separate each snapshot
image name with a white space.
The setting to return all of the snapshot images
from the consistency groups.
The setting to return a concise list of information
about all of the snapshot images in the storage
The name of a snapshot image has two parts separated by a colon (:):
• The identifier of the snapshot consistency group.
• The identifier of the snapshot image.
For example, if you want to show snapshot image 12345 in a snapshot consistency group that has the
name snapCGroup1, you would use this command:
show snapImage ["snapCGroup1:12345"];
To show the most recent snapshot image in a snapshot consistency group that has the name
snapCGroup1, you would use this command:
show snapImage ["snapCGroup1:newest"];
To show the snapshot images in several snapshot consistency groups that has the names snapCGroup1,
snapCGroup2, and snapCGroup3, you would use this command:
show snapImages ["snapCGroup1:12345 snapCGroup2:newest snapCGroup3:oldest"];
Note that in these examples the snapshot consistency group name is separated from the snapshot image
identifier by a colon (:).
Show Current iSCSI Sessions
This command displays information about an iSCSI session for either an iSCSI initiator or iSCSI target.