78 Update with your book title
Select the
check box.
Apply Changes
The selected community entry is deleted, and the device is updated.
Defining SNMP Notification Recipients
The Notification Recipients page contains information for defining filters that determine whether traps
are sent to specific users, and the trap type sent. SNMP notification filters provide the following services:
• Identifying Management Trap Targets
•Trap Filtering
• Selecting Trap Generation Parameters
• Providing Access Control Checks
To open the Notification Recipients page, click System → SNMP → Notification Recipient in the
tree view.
Figure 6-19. Notification Recipients
Recipient IP
— Indicates the IP address to whom the traps are sent.
Community String
— Functions as a password and used to authenticate the selected management
station to the device.
Notification Version
— Determines the trap type. The possible field values are:
— SNMP Version 1 traps are sent.