8-2 Dell PowerVault 200S, 201S, 210S, and 211S Storage Systems Installation and Service Guide
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Dell provides a number of tools to assist you. These tools are described in the follow-
ing sections.
NOTE: Some of the following tools are not always available in all locations outside the
continental U.S. Please call your local Dell representative for information on
The Internet is your most powerful tool for obtaining information about your Power-
Vault storage system and other Dell products. Through the Internet, you can access
most of the services described in this section, including AutoTech, TechFax, order sta-
tus, technical support, and product information.
You can access Dell’s support Web site at http://support.dell.com. To select your
country, click the map that appears. The Welcome to support.dell.com page opens.
Enter your system information to access help tools and information.
Dell can be accessed electronically using the following addresses:
World Wide Web
http://www.dell.com/ap/ (for Asian/Pacific countries only)
http://www.euro.dell.com (for Europe only)
http://www.dell.com/la (for Latin American countries)
Anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP)
Log in as user: DQRQ\PRXV, and use your e-mail address as your password.
Electronic Support Service
apsupport@dell.com (for Asian/Pacific countries only)
support.euro.dell.com (for Europe only)
Electronic Quote Service
apmarketing@dell.com (for Asian/Pacific countries only)
Electronic Information Service