dCS 974 User Manual Manual for Software Version 1.0x
dCS Ltd May 2001
Manual part no: DOC1241121A1
Page 17
Document No: OS-MA-A0124-112.1A1
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
Setting the Output mode
do this: Scroll down the Sample Rate Conversion menu to Output Mode and press
the →
→ button. The cursor should be beside Normal Choose one of the settings
from the following list, scroll to it and press Set:
• Normal. The Output Sample Rate must not be higher than 96kS/s. Single
wire data will be available on all of the AES, SPDIF or SDIF-2 outputs.
• Dual AES. The Output Sample Rate must be 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kS/s.
Dual AES data will be available on the AES 1 / AES 2 output pair and the
AES 3 / AES 4 output pair. Do not use the other outputs.
• Quad AES. The Output Sample Rate must be 176.4 or 192kS/s. Quad
AES data will be available on the AES 1, AES 2, AES 3 and AES 4 output
group. Do not use the other outputs.
• DSD SDIF-2. The input format must be DSD, DSD Quad or PCM at
44.1kS/s or more. DSD SDIF-2 data will be available from the DSD/SDIF
outputs (lower block) and DSD Quad data from the AES 1, AES 2, AES 3
and AES 4 output group. Do not use the other outputs.
• DSD SDIF-3. The input format must be DSD, DSD Quad or PCM at
44.1kS/s or more. DSD SDIF-2 data will be available from the DSD/SDIF
outputs (lower block) and DSD Quad data from the AES 1, AES 2, AES 3
and AES 4 output group. Do not use the other outputs.
do this: Proceed to Step 4.