Memory Keys
M+ Press to add the displayed number to the inde-
pendent memory
Min Press to store the displayed number in the inde-
pendent memory
MR Press to recall the number in memory.
X–>M Display/Independent Memory Exchange key.
Press to exchange the displayed number with the contents
of the independent memory and vice versa.
Binary/Octal/Hexadecimal keys
Enter numbers with the following keys:
Binary Keys 0 – 1
Octal keys 0 – 7
Hexadecimal keys 0–9,A,B,C,D,E,F
Remember to first press:
MODE 2 for Binary, MODE 3 for Octal,
MODE 4 for Hexadecimal.
NEG key: Press to change to the complement in
Binary/Octal or Hexadecimal modes. Press again to
change the complement back to the original value.
Press 101010 NEG 1111010110. is displayed
Octal – MODE 3
Press 123456 NEG 7777654322. is displayed
Hexadecimal – MODE 4
Press 789 A B C NEG FFFF876544. is displayed
Mixed Fractions
Enter: Integer ab/c Numerator ab/c Denominator
Ex. 4 ab/c 6 ab/c 7 = 4 6/7
4_ 6_| 7 is displayed
Up to 3 digits may be used for the Integer, numerator or
denominator up to a total of 8 digits.
Press ab/c to change the displayed number from a fraction
to a decimal number.
d/c Mixed/improper fraction key
Press to convert mixed fractions to improper frac-
Press Displayed
10 ab/c 3 10 _| 3
INV d/c = 3 _ 1 _| 3
INV d/c 10 _| 3
X<–>Y key. Press to reverse the operand and the operator
for multiplication and division.
123 x 456 ÷ 789 INV X<–>Y =