Overview 1-7
User’s Guide for ImageCard® Select™ and UltraGrafix® Select™ Printers
Swing arm
The swing arm opens to give you access to the print ribbon cartridge, continuous
cleaning roller, and printhead cartridge. Push down on the raised end of the swing arm
to open it.
Ribbon tracker
The ribbon tracker measures the movement of the print ribbon as it moves from the
supply spool during printing.
Printhead cartridge
The printhead, contained in the printhead cartridge, applies heat and pressure, which
transfers dye and other material from the print ribbon to the card. The printhead
cartridge is replaceable.
Printer label/serial number
The printer label includes the printer serial number and information about optional
components of the printer.
Print ribbon cartridge
The print ribbon cartridge holds the print ribbon.
Card advance knob
The card advance knob turns to move a card along the card transport track. If a card
remains in the printer, use this knob to move the card in the card track.
Continuous cleaning roller
The continuous cleaning roller is a new feature of the Select printer with Advanced
Imaging Technology. The roller includes a spindle and a replaceable cleaning sleeve.
The spindle holds the roller in place. The replaceable cleaning sleeve removes dirt
and debris from the permanent cleaning roller in the printer and should be changed