Windows 95 and 98 Printer Driver Installation and Technical Reference 1
The Datacard Printer Drivers for Windows® 95 and 98 provide users with the ability
to print from those Microsoft® Windows operating systems to the Datacard 150i,
280, 285, and 450 Series card printers. The capabilities of these printers are listed in
Table 1.
Table 1: Supported Printer Capabilities
Printer Capabilities
150i Emboss
Encode magnetic stripes
280 Emboss
Encode magnetic stripes
Print graphics
285 Encode magnetic stripes
Print graphics
450 Emboss
Encode magnetic stripes
This driver allows for rotation of both barcodes and printed text but not for rotation
of embossed text.
What’s in this Manual
This manual contains the following information:
Introduction. This chapter provides information about system requirements and
Installing the Printer Driver. This chapter provides installation information and
procedures for both the printer driver and the printer.
Printer Fonts. This chapter includes information about fonts that are available using
the printer driver for Windows 95 and 98.