Baked bread too heavy:
Next time, feel dough to be sure it is uniformly soft,
pliable and slightly sticky before setting it aside to rise.
Let dough fully double in bulk in bowl or bag, punch it
down, then let it double again after it has been shaped.
Always bake bread in oven preheated to 400°F (205°C)
unless recipe indicates otherwise.
Motor slows down:
Amount of dough may exceed maximum capacity of your
food processor. Remove half and process 2 batches.
Don’t process too long after all the ingredients have been
incorporated. These rich doughs will give you good results
after only 30 seconds of kneading.
Blade doesn’t incorporate ingredients:
Butter or margarine, if not melted, must be cut into
tablespoon-size pieces before being added to work bowl.
Blade rises in work bowl:
Blade may not have been pushed down as far as
possible before processing was started.
Motor stops:
See comments under “Typical Bread Dough.”
Dough doesn’t rise:
See comments under “Typical Bread Dough.”
To slice round fruits and vegetables
Before processing onions, potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, apples
and other large round fruits and vegetables, trim them with a
knife. Cut a small flat base on the bottom end, to make the
food lie stable on the disc.
Place the food in the feed tube, flat side down. Position it as
far left as possible, to prevent it from tilting when being sliced.
Be sure the small pusher is locked and the slide lock on the
large pusher is unlocked. Slide the pusher assembly over the
feed tube and push the sleeve down to lock it into place.
Apply pressure to the pusher while pressing down on the
PULSE/OFF lever. Release the PULSE/OFF lever as soon as
the food is sliced.
To prepare whole peppers
Prepare them by removing the stem and cutting the stem end
flat. Remove the center core and scoop out the seeds.
Leave the end opposite the stem whole, to keep the structure
stiff. This ensures round, even slices.
Insert the pepper, stem side down, into the feed tube.
If the fruit or vegetable doesn’t fit in the top of the
feed tube
Try inserting it from the bottom. The opening there is slightly
larger. Always remove large, hard pits and seeds from fruits
before processing. Seeds from citrus fruits need not be
For best slicing results, choose fruits that are firm and not too
ripe. Citrus fruits should not be soft or mushy. You may remove
the rind before slicing, or slice fruits with the rind on.
To slice large fruits like cantaloupe and pineapple, first cut
them in half and remove the seeds or core. If necessary, cut
the halves into smaller pieces to fit into the feed tube.
Remember to cut the ends flat.
To prepare cabbage
Turn the cabbage on its side and slice off the top and bottom
to leave a center section about 3 inches (7.5 cm) deep.
Remove the core from the center section and cut it in wedges
to fit the feed tube vertically. Use the 2 mm slicing disc or the
optional 1 mm slicing disc (DLC-341) to slice the cabbage for
coleslaw. Apply medium pressure to the pusher, and press the
PULSE/ OFF lever until the cabbage is sliced. Remove the
core from the bottom piece, and cut it and the top piece into
wedges to fit the feed tube. Process as described.