If the CWI is installed with an optional tankless heater, pipe the heater as shown in Figure 17. The components in this
system and their functions are as follows:
1) Mixing Valve (Required) - During the heating season, the water exiting the tankless heater may be 180 degrees or more.
The mixing valve blends hot water leaving the tankless heater with cold water so as to maintain the hot water supplied to
the fixtures at a fixed temperature. This saves energy, increases the amount of usable hot water available to the
homeowner, and reduces the risk of scalding.
Install a mixing valve with a setting range of approximately 110 to 130F. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
installing this valve. Usually a “heat trap” will be required between the coil and the “hot” connection on the mixing valve.
2) Flow Restrictor (Recommended) - If water is drawn from the tankless coil at a rate in excess of the rating in Table 1, the
temperature of the hot water may be too low to be of use. The use of a flow restrictor will prevent this problem by limiting
the rate at which water can pass through the tankless heater. If a restrictor is used, select one having a rating in GPM
approximately equal to the rating shown in Table 1. If possible, locate this restrictor at least 3 feet from the tankless heater
inlet so that it is not subjected to excessive temperatures when no water is flowing through the coil.