5) Piping with a Chiller - If the boiler is used in conjunction with a chiller, pipe the boiler and chiller in parallel as shown in
Figure 15. Use isolation valves to prevent chilled water from entering the boiler.
6) Air Handlers - Where the boiler is connected to air handlers through which refrigerated air passes, use flow control valves
in the boiler piping or other automatic means to prevent gravity circulation during the cooling cycle.
Gravity Hot Water Systems - The CWI is suitable for installation in a gravity hot water system. Figure 16 shows piping for a
gravity hot water boiler. The circulator, 1-1/2” x 2” bushings, and 1-1/2” piping are removed and the system piping is run
directly to the 2” supply and return tappings on the boiler. If isolation valves are installed, they should be gate valves or
“full port” ball valves.
If it is desired to convert the gravity system to forced hot water, the factory supplied circulator and piping are used as is.
A gravity hot water system is a “large water volume system” (see (2) above) and should be piped with a bypass as shown
in Figure 13. Many gravity hot water systems have balancing orifice installed in the radiators. These orifice may need to be
removed to obtain proper heat distribution when the system is converted to forced hot water.