QuickMedia™ 3-Channel Amplifiers Crestron QM-AMP3x80 Series
There are two different methods—Method A or Method B—for setting the Net ID:
Method A (Cresnet address-settable ID), described below, applies to devices in a
Cresnet system with a 2-Series control system that require a single unit be the only
network device connected to the control system.
Method B (Touch Settable ID or TSID), which begins below, applies to all TSID-
ready devices in a Cresnet system with 2-Series control system upgrade file (CUZ)
version 3.029 or later. TSID functionality makes it possible for the control system to
recognize a network device via its serial number, which is stored in the device’s
memory. This method does not require that any devices be disconnected from the
network; Net IDs may be set with the entire Cresnet system intact. This method
requires the use of the Crestron Viewport version 3.35 or later.
Use the appropriate method to set the Net ID.
Method A (Cresnet address-settable ID)
1. Ensure that the device requiring a Net ID change is the only unit
connected to the control system.
2. Open the Crestron Viewport.
3. From the Viewport menu, select Functions | Set Network ID. The
software checks the baud rate and then opens the "Set Network ID"
4. In the "Set Network ID" window, select the device requiring a Net ID
change from the Current Network Devices text window.
5. Select the new Net ID for the device from the Choose the new network
ID for the selected device (Hex): text box.
6. Click Set ID to initiate the change. This will display the "ID command
has been sent" window.
7. In the "Command Complete" window, click OK.
8. In the Current Network Devices text window, verify the new Net ID
9. In the "Set Network ID" window, click Close.
NOTE: The new Net ID code may also be verified by selecting Diagnostic | Report
Network Devices in the Viewport (alternately, select F4).
10. Repeat this procedure for each additional network device requiring a
Net ID change.
Method B (Touch Settable ID)
Before using this method, you should have a list of all current network devices and
their Net IDs, to avoid assigning duplicate IDs.
Set Net ID by TSID
These procedures are for TSID-enabled network devices during the initial
configuration of a Cresnet system or when such devices are being added/replaced.
1. Ensure that all network devices are connected to the control system.
2. Open the Crestron Viewport version 3.35 or later.
10 • QuickMedia™ 3-Channel Amplifiers: QM-AMP3x80 Series Operations Guide – DOC. 6272