3.1.8 Date/Time Settings
Displays and congures the date and time
Item Description
Current Date Congures the current date in year/month/day format.
Current Time Congures the current time in hour:minute:second format.
Daylight Savings Time
Click the [ON] check box to enable daylight savings time and
set the following items.
Start Congures the date and time daylight savings time begins.
Month Congures the month daylight savings time begins (1~12).
Congures the week of the month daylight savings time
begins (First, 2, 3, 4, Last).
Congures the day of the week daylight savings time begins
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat).
hour Congures the hour daylight savings time begins (0 ~ 23).
minute Congures the minute daylight savings time begins (0 ~ 59).
End Congures the date and time daylight savings time ends.
Month Congures the month daylight savings time ends (1 ~ 12).
Congures the week of the month daylight savings time ends
(First, 2, 3, 4, Last).
Congures the day of the week daylight savings time ends
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat).
hour Congures the hour daylight savings time ends (0 ~ 23).
minute Congures the minute daylight savings time ends (0 ~ 59).
(continued on next page)
3. Web Control
3.1 Projector Web Control (continued)