NOTE: The following SIMPL Windows sample programs are available on
Crestron's ControlCD (v5.1 and later) or the Crestron website crestron.com.
Search the SIMPL Windows Example Base for cnwm-ctl.smw and cnwm-prs.smw
How the Program Works
Two basic CNWM SIMPL Windows programs are shown in block diagram form.
These two basic SIMPL programs (presentation system and wireless transmitter) are
shown and described below.
Example 1 - Presentation System
This presentation system sample is designed to control predetermined PC mouse and
keyboard operations. For this purpose, a CNMK, mouse/keyboard controller (also
known as a "Wedge") is required in the system. The large mouse button on the
wireless mouse is used to move the cursor. The larger keypad button is used as a
right mouse click and the trigger is used as a left mouse click. The four small keypad
buttons perform keyboard functions.
12 • Wireless Mouse Operations Guide - DOC. 5700A