_Branch line = 2 times[_ j
I Tool inlet_os_
i_ jAute Drain
I_ Valve
More than 1/100 slope _ _1
Filter I
Stop Regulator
Valve Lubricator
Air Tool
Figure 1 * Air Hose Hook Up
Main line = 3 times
Tool inlet/hose size
Stop I
L Compressor J
..\ ..\\..............t....,
1. Disconnect air supply and remove all accessories.
2. Thread quick change chisel retainer onto end of
3. While pushing end of spring to side of the tool, insert
a standard .401" taper shank chisel into barrel and
allow spring tension to rest against chisel. Make sure
chisel collar is between barrel and retaining part of
4. Remove chisel by pushing spring to side of tool and
pull chisel out of barrel.
5. Always hold chisel to work surface before operating
Spring R_tainer
Trigger lever
Air inlet
_ Regulator
Figure2- Tool Diagram
Place chisel against work surface and pull trigger in
short bursts until chisel sets in work. Use both hands to
hold hammer for better control.
An in-line tilter-regulator-lubricator (fig 1) is
recommended as it increases tool life and keeps the
tool in sustained operation. The in-line lubricator should
be regularly checked and filled with air tool oil Proper
adjustment ofthe in-line lubricator is performed by
placing a sheet of paper next to the tools exhaust
ports and holding the throttle open approximately 30
seconds. The lubricator is properly set when a light
stain of oil collects on the paper. Excessive amounts of
oil should be avoided.
In the event that it becomes necessary to store the
tool for an extended period of time (overnight, weekend,
etc.), itshould receive a generous amount of
lubrication through the air inlet (fig 2). The tool should
be run for approximately 30 seconds to ensure oil has
been evenly distributed throughout the tool. The tool
should be stored in a clean and dry environment.
Recommended lubricants: Use air tool oil or any
other high grade turbine oil containing moisture
absorbent, rust inhibitors, metal wetting agents and an
EP (extreme pressure) additive. (See Fig. 2 for
location/air inlet).
Never operate hammer without a chisel installed and
placed against the work surface. Doing so may result in
personal injury or damage to the tool.
Sears offers a variety of chisels for this hammer.