secondsafterthe engine isshutoff. Never placeany
part ofthe body in the impellerarea untilyou are sure
the impeller hasstopped rotating.
Keep all guardsand safetydevices inplace and
Do notallow an accumulationofprocessed matedal
tobuild upin the discharge area as thiswillprevent
properdischarge and can resultinkick-beck from the
chipper chute.
• - Keep yourface and body backfrom chipperchute to
avoid accidental bounce back ofany material.
Ifthe cuttingmechanismstrikesa foreign objector if
your machineshould startmaking an unusualnoise
or vibration, immediately stopthe engine, disconnect
the sparkplugwire andmove the wire away from the
sparkplug. Allowthe machineto stop and take the
following steps:
a. Inspectfor damage
b. Repair or replace any damaged pads.
c. • Check for any loose parts and tightento assure
continued safe operation.
Mufflerand engine become hotand cancause a burn.
Do not touch.
Donot allowleaves or other debristo buildup on
engine's muffler. The debris couldigniteand cause a
• Donotoperate engine ifair cleaner or coverover
carburetor air-intake isremoved, except for
adjustment. Removal ofsuchpads couldcreate a fire
Tragic accidents can occur ifthe operatoris not alertto the
presence of small children. Children are often attracted to
the chippingand vacuuming activity. Never assume that
childrenwillremain where you last saw them.
Keep children out of the work area and under the
watchful eye of a responsibleadult other than the
Be alert and turn the unit off if a child entersthe area.
Never allow children under the age of 16to operate
the chipper-shreddervacuum.
Check and add fuel beforestarting the engine. Never
remove gas cap oradd fuelwhile the engine is
running. Allowengine tocoolat leasttwo minutes
Replace gasolinecap securelyandwipe offany
spilledgasolinebefore startingthe engine as itmay
causea fireor explosion.
Extinguishallcigarettes, cigars, pipes andother
sourcesof ignition.
Never refuel unitindoorsbecause flaEnmablevapors
willaccumulate in the area.
Never storethe machine or fuel container inside
where there isan open flame or spark suchas a gas
hotwater heater, clothes dryeror furnace.
Never runyourmachinein an enclosed area as the
exhaust from the enginecontains carbon monoxide,
whichis aodorless,tasteless anddeadly poisonous
To reducefire hazard, keep engine and mufflerfree of
leaves, grass,and otherdebris build-up. Clean up
fuel and oilspillage. Allowunittocoolat least 5
Beforecleaning,repairing,orinspecting, makecertain
the impellerand all movingpartshave stopped.
Disconnectthe spark plugwire and keepwire away
from sparkplugto prevent accidental starting. Do not
use flammable solutionsto clean airfilter.
Keep ell nuts, bolts,and screwstightto be surethe
equipmentis insafe workingcondition.
Never tamper withsafety devices. Check theirproper
Afterstrikingaforeign object, immediatelystop the
engine, disconnectthe sparkplugwire from the spark
plug,and thoroughlyinspectthe unitfor any damage.
Repairdamage beforestartingandoperating unit.
Do notalter or tamper withthe engine's governor
setting. The governorcontrolsthe maximum safe
operatingspeed ofthe engine. Over-speeding the
engine is dangerous and wiltcause damage tothe
engine and to other moving parts of the machine.
Check the vacuum bag frequently for wear. Replace if
worn or damaged.
Keepvacuum bag free ofdebris _'..henn_ in use.
Your Responsibility
Use extreme care in handlinggasolineand other
fuels. They are extremely flammable and the vapors
are explosive.
Storefuel and oilinapproved containers,away from
heat and openflame, and outofthe reach ofchildren.
Restrictthe use ofthispower machine to
persons who read, understandand follow the
warnings andinstructionsinthismanual andon
the machine.