Based on your particular requirements, there are
several insIailation steps which might _l br
materials @qS_orhardware not included in _e _&£on
Step I, page 13 oLook at the wafl o{ ceiiing above
the garage door. 'The header bracket must be
securely fastened to structural suppo_ls
* Step 5_ page t7 oDo you have a finished ceiling in
your garage? If so, a suppo£ bracket and
add tiona! fastening hardware (riot supplied) may
be required.
, Safety reversing sensor, page 21 Depending on
garage construction, wood blocks may need to be
securety fastened to mounting Iocations before
senso_ are installed.
Step 10, page 22 - Alternate floor mounting of the
safety reversing sensor will require hardware that
is not provided.
Step 11, page 25 _ Generally, a one pie_ door
does not require reinforcemenL tf your door is
lightweight, you _e refer to the information
relating to section_ doors on page 24.
,,Step 11, page 25 _Depending on your dooCs
construction, you might need additional mounting
hardware for the door brackeL
oDo you have an a_ess door in addition to the
garage dc_r? if not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Release is required. See page 38
, The gap between the bo_om of the garage
door and the floor cannot exceed 1/4".
Otherwise, the safety reverse system may not
work properly. See page 30. The floor or the door
should be repaired
One-Piece Door With Track
You may find it helpful to refer back to this page as
you proceed with the installation of your o_ner.